• Creates and returns a transaction request for transferring NEON tokens from Neon EVM to Solana, designed to interact with Neon EVM using ethers.js. This function estimates the gas limit and fee required for the transaction and returns the configured transaction request.


    • params: NeonTransactionParams<JsonRpcProvider>

      The parameters for creating a NEON transaction.

      • from: string
      • solanaWallet: PublicKey
      • to: string

    Returns Promise<TransactionRequest>

    • The configured transaction request for the NEON transfer.
    const provider = new JsonRpcProvider("<RPC_ENDPOINT>");
    const transactionRequest = await neonNeonTransactionEthers({
    from: "0xSenderAddress",
    to: "0xRecipientContractAddress",
    solanaWallet: new PublicKey("<SolanaWalletPublicKey>"),
    amount: "1.0",