• Parameters

    • solanaWallet: PublicKey

      The public key of the Solana wallet initiating the transaction.

    • neonPDAWallet: PublicKey

      The public key of the Neon PDA wallet.

    • neonEvmProgram: PublicKey

      The public key of the Neon EVM program.

    • neonRawTransaction: string

      The raw Neon transaction in hex format.

    • neonKeys: AccountMeta[]

      The list of required account metadata.

    • proxyStatus: NeonProgramStatus

      The status of the Neon program including treasury pool count.

    Returns TransactionInstruction

    A Solana TransactionInstruction for executing the Neon transaction.

    This method is deprecated and may be removed in future versions. Use an updated execution instruction createExecFromDataInstructionV2 method instead.

    Creates an execution instruction from raw transaction data.